Made by Harrison Moore. Updated regularly. Want new perspectives on thinking creatively? Subscribe at 🧭 The New Workday

🔍 Introduction

Often, the hardest part of writing involves the research phase, whether it's ambient or active. It requires you to question not just your subject, but also the structure and purpose of your piece. You might find yourself wondering, "What am I even doing?" leading to feelings of confusion and frustration. These Thinking Postures help to unravel this anxiety by focusing on your motives and the process itself. Here’s a piece (5 mins) that shows them in action.

☑️ Directions

  1. Explore: Click the coloured tiles to open each Thinking Posture
  2. Engage: Read the quotes and questions and apply insights to your essays
  3. Connect: Email me if you think of new Postures, I'd love to chat 🙋‍♂️

Writer’s Postures

Additional resources for writers:

🧰 Nonfiction Writers' Resource Library

🖋️ Writing Prompts from Harrison